Exclusive assessment of the Hungarian economy by the economics professor and former MNB Governor
Mihály Varga to take several of his current colleagues with him
Márton Nagy argues in favour of looser fiscal rules
Member states miss the Ukraine issue from the government's priorities
Here is a summary of the main elements of the government's tax package
Even the Economy Ministry no longer expects 4% GDP growth for 2024
This time it was György Matolcsy's advisor
MNB denies Bloomberg report on acrimonious affairs between Orbán and Matolcsy
Márton Nagy considers battle against inflation as won
The deficit will be 4.5% this year
The Ministry of Finance's first press conference of the year
The Economic MInister will lead the Economic Cabinet, but the Minister for Finance will have a new budget task force
György Surányi on the budget, growth, inflation, and policy mistakes
FinMin, cenbank current and former governors converse on key economic issues
Government seen tweaking sensitive legislation
Barnabás Virág also spoke about inflation
May meeting follows talk in April
MNB Deputy Governor Virág speaks in Parliament
Warns of looming financial crisis